Yamaha XT 1200 Super Tenere decal

/jəˈmɑːhə ˈɛks.ti ˈtwɛlv.hən ˈsuː.pər ˈtɛn.ər ˈdɛk.əl/
yuh-MAH-huh EKS-tee TWELV-huhn SOO-pur TEN-uh-ray duh-KAL
Yuh-mah-huh Eks-tee Twelv-huhn Soo-pur Ten-uh-ray Duh-kal

Learn how to pronounce Yamaha XT 1200 Super Tenere decal

the 'h' in 'Yamaha' is pronounced with a short sound and the 'e' in 'XT' is pronounced with a short sound. The 'e' in 'Super' is also pronounced with a short sound.

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